
Rail Transit

Rail traffic

ISO/TS22163 and EN45545-2 &EN45545-3 Industry product certification

In the rail transit industry, our company has obtained ISO/TS22163 industry management system certification and EN45545-2 &EN45545-3 industry product certification, products are widely used in rail transit traction system, air conditioning system, sensor system, connector system and fault diagnosis system. It has been recognized by major OEM and parts manufacturers in the industry.

According to the difference in service scope, rail transit is generally divided into three categories: national railway system, intercity rail transit and urban rail transit. Rail transit generally has the advantages of large volume, fast speed, frequent shifts, safety and comfort, high on-time rate, all-weather, low freight and energy saving and environmental protection, but at the same time, it is often accompanied by high initial investment, technical requirements and maintenance costs, and often occupies a large space.

Conventional railway

Traditional railway is the most original rail transit, divided into two categories of high-speed railway and high-speed railway. It is mainly responsible for large-scale and long-distance passenger and cargo transport, usually carried by large locomotives pulling multiple carriages or wagons. Traditional railway is the core member of rail transit, which is related to the economic and military lifeblood of the country.

Intercity rail

Intercity rail transit is a new type of rail transit with comprehensive attributes between traditional railway and urban rail transit. It is mainly responsible for high-speed and medium-distance passenger transport, usually carried by large EMUs to achieve rapid contact between neighboring cities, to meet the communication between urban agglomerations.

Urban rail transit

Urban rail transit is a mass rapid public transit system with electric energy as the main power source and wheel-rail operation system. It is mainly responsible for barrier-free and short-distance passenger transport, usually by light EMU or tram as a transport carrier, effectively easing the traffic pressure of dense passenger flow inside the city.

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